Marinel de Jesus's story is a journey of discovery. A human struggle to find herself, freedom, and true happiness.

Arriving in Seattle at the age of 13 yrs as part of an immigrant family from the Philippines, in the early years, of Marinel's life was about survival. Pushed on by the expectations of her family and particularly her mother, she struggled with feelings of inadequacy. Despite the significant achievement of becoming a practicing lawyer, deep down Marinel felt empty. She might have had the trappings of success, a home, a career, and money but in her own words, she thought she had 'lost a sense of herself'. There was an emotional turmoil and search for meaning enveloping her that wouldn't shift. 

When Marinel's mother died, it was the last day she was a lawyer. Her death was a catalyst for Marinel to embark on a journey to find herself and to "heal."

Mountain trekking provided that healing. She discovered the freedom, love, and true happiness that had been missing from her life.

Nature became Marinel's nurture.

What started as a journey of discovery became a new life as she built her own trekking business and established a social mission to support indigenous women in the trekking industry.

In Marinel's own words;

"My dream didn't start until I looked inside."

Marinel now runs a social enterprise trekking business, Peak Explorations, and leads a trekking community and social mission, based around her Brown Gal Trekker website. Her mission is to empower women and promote their presence in the trekking world.

She is a writer and documentary maker and her new film called; We are Nomads - charts the story of the migration of women in the Altai mountain region of Mongolia.

Listen and share your thoughts and observations about this episode and Marinel's journey at the Turning the Tables Community on Facebook.

You can contact Marinel through Facebook or via the brown gal website.

Episode credits;

Editor and sound engineer: Tim White email: [email protected]

Host: Simon Ratcliffe


Broken Elegance -Unconditionally

Scott Buckley - Snowfall

Audionautix -Act Three