Amy Woods can safely be described as an achiever. A 13-year career spent working in the high-intensity, high stakes world of management consultancy gave Amy exposure to some of the world's most successful businesses.

But two events were to shape Amy's world; starting a family and the terrifying experience of being told she had a life expectancy of 4-6 hours because of an acute medical issue.

Fortunately, Amy survived, and this experience propelled her towards her ambition of moving away from the world of big corporate business and start her own online business that would give her the freedom to balance work with family life.

That business called Content 10x has thrived, and Amy has gone on to write a book and become a regular keynote speaker at online business events.

In this episode, we talk about:

How her career in management consultancy equipped her with the tools to succeed in her own business

How determination and resilience helped her through the medical nightmare.

The surprising superpower which being a redhead gave her.

Amy's advice and insight about building an online business from side hustle to a full-time career.

Two key things that helped Amy navigate through adversity.

Listen and share your thoughts and observations on this episode at the Turning the Tables Community on Facebook.


You can contact Amy through her website  or by email [email protected]

Her book  More content, less time, more results  available through Amazon


Episode credits;

Editor and sound engineer: Tim White email: Broken Elegance -Unconditionally

New Day by Tokyo Music Walker

Everything I could never tell you by Joey Pecoraro