What stories will we tell our children and our grandchildren about the adversity of the coronavirus pandemic? 

Episode 17 of Turning the Tables started with a simple question to a group of fellow podcasters and friends for different walks of life and geographies.

What have you learned through this Coronavirus pandemic lockdown?

What followed was a tapestry of human stories and observations about life, priorities, hopes, and fears.

The discovery of a simpler life

The importance of family and friends

The rebasing of priorities

The fragility of life

Collective willpower










Little things and big things

The question is, as we move forward out of this coronavirus pandemic, what path will we choose?

What choices will we make, and what stories will we tell our children and our grandchildren about the adversity of the coronavirus pandemic. Will it be a story of how he fractured apart, or will it be about how we came together. Will we have learned or will we have forgotten, only time will tell, it's in our hands.

What is your story?

Listen and share your stories about what you have learned during this pandemic this episode at the Turning the Tables Community on Facebook.

The podcast hosts that have contributed to the episode and links to their podcasts;

1.49 Maria Xenidou - Impact Learning

5.09 Howard M - Seasons of Sobriety


6.06 Richard Brown - Closer to Brands

6.43 Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett - Playful Chinese

7.20 David Chapple

8.19 Mina Fung - 10x Vision 

8.40 & 21.08 - Karena de Souza - Tilt the Future

9.45 Linda Chapple

11.10 Peter Algate - Peteralgate.com

13.18 Tania Marien - Talaterra

14.59 Catherine Lynch - Next Level Parenting

15.58 David Reynolds - Lead, Learn, Change

17.00 Cindy Safronoff - Dedication - A Centennial Story

18.50 Leekie Tang - The Mindful Founder

22.39 Diane Wyzga - Stories From Woman that Walk


Episode credits;

Editor and sound engineer: Tim White email: [email protected]

Host: Simon Ratcliffe


Broken Elegance -Unconditionally

Scott Buckley - Snowfall

Audionautix -Secondnature