In this episode, I discuss the foundations of marriage according to a book I've been reading. It's call "Happy Wives Club" by Fawn Weaver. If you are a wife and haven't read this book, I encourage you to do so. She visits 12 countries, 6 continents, with 1 mission, to find the secret of marriage. She interviews a number of married couples and they all say the same secret!

I dive into what the Bible says the role of a husband and wife are. I mention Ephesians 5:22, 25 saying wives submit to your husbands, and husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church. The world has taken these verses out of context. Women think they don't need a man and can stand in the role of a man. This is a wrong way of thinking. According to scripture, both play important roles in a marriage.

If you are single, what I talk about in this episode is important to keep in mind and prepare your heart for what is to come. The way you can prepare is to have an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Here is a link the the book "Happy Wives Club," by Fawn Weaver

I offer one on one coaching for single women. If this is of interest to you, let's hop on a call to see if working together would be a good fit. Click here to choose a time that works for you.

The Accelerated Dating Program is in full swing. We are in week 3 of 4. I had many women interested, so I am going to have a season 2 starting in the spring! This is a group coaching program for single women to learn to love and respect yourself while preparing for a relationship. Click here to sign up for the waitlist so you will be the first to know when the season is available.

Follow me on instagram @nikki.houseman for videos, updates, advice for dating and relationships, and encouragement for singles.

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