Today we are going to discuss red flags, what they are and how to determine if there is a red flag in your relationship. If you are not in a relationship, these are good to keep in mind when you do enter into a relationship or start dating.

Red Flags are a warning sign. They may not be deal breakers, but definitely a discussion would need to be had. There are some red flags that would be deal breakers. Today I am going to share 15 red flags with you. I have created a document with these red flags along with an explanation.

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How to Determine Red Flags in a Relationship Guide. Click here!

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Questions to ask yourself:

Am I making excuses for his behavior?

Do I feel uneasy about a behavior of his?

Is something inside me trying to tell me I am not in a healthy relationship?

Do I feel convicted that something is wrong?

Are my friends and family trying to warn me about something in this relationship?
Am I looking out for these red flags as I navigate the dating world?
What are other red flags I need to be aware of? Write them down.

Red Flags:

He is not pursuing you
you see his potential, but he’s not walking in it
Lacks follow through
Doesn’t have a relationship with God
Says all the right things, but doesn’t act on it. He’s all talk.
He asks you to do things for him when he doesn’t do much for you and makes you feel bad about it.
Doesn’t treat you with respect and pushes your boundaries
Talks about other girls while he is on a date with you or around you
He is on his phone most of the time you are together, and isn’t engaging with you.
Talks about himself the whole time you are on a date and/or always brings the conversation back to himself
He is a jealous type
He gets angry or raises his voice at you or others
Prioritizes himself and his feelings over you.
Talks down to you and doesn’t elevate and uplift you and who you are
He doesn’t have a solid group of guy friends