Cam and Ash continue to explore important ADHD distinctions around basic needs as they dig into belongingness and love needs. Humans will often seek out connection more so than other basic needs, especially those in the self care arena. The need for acceptance and validation can be a giant big signal for those of us with ADHD. It feels good to be at the service of others but in overextending or seeking external validation, we can lose sight of ourselves - our own authentic Who.


The hosts talk about the importance of self acceptance and how uncovering strengths and operating out of a strength mindset can lead to self acceptance. Asher shares how in our One Down perspective we can feel a need to make up for… - to make up for our perceived challenges and weaknesses. He shares an example of a client who thinks they need to be more like The Politician - someone in the client’s workspace who exudes confidence and competence in the moment. Leading with strength-based coaching, Ash and his client discover how his own strengths can support his goals and show up as a capable and confident leader, but true to his own authentic self.


The hosts talk about how the blame sponge (episode 107) can make it difficult to distinguish supportive people and communities from those who are not. They discuss how boundary management begins with self acceptance. Cam shares about his own need for validation years ago and how he was able to come to a place of acceptance, see himself in the picture and operate from a place of strength and resilience. The hosts leave the listeners with a few practices to explore this all important need of belongingness and love.


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Cam Gott’s Hierarchy of ADHD Needs
The Six Cs Episode


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