Sometimes the best way to set up for a successful real estate career is to start behind the scenes, learning the skills before you even begin. How did 10+ years of working as an admin assistant make our guest a better team leader now? How does she generate leads at a high level? Why is it so important to have a niche?

On this episode, LeAnne Anies shares her career journey and how she keeps her business running so well.



We’re either going to work for someone else, or build our own path and determine our own destiny. -LeAnne Anies  


Three Things We Learned From This Episode


How LeAnne was able to make switch from assistant to agent

For 10+ years LeAnne worked in the admin role for a real estate team, and everything she learned from working with a top producing agent helped her become a top producing agent herself. The early experience allowed her to have an idea of what she would and wouldn’t want in her own business.


LeAnne’s winning lead generation system

LeAnne’s team sends out 500 pieces of mail a month, and in 2017 she had a 501% ROI on every door direct mail. It’s a huge amount to send out, but it brings in the leads.  


The biggest mistake newer agents make

Going after too many things at one time and not working to find a niche is the biggest challenge agents face. It’s key to find a niche to dominate so that it’s easier to serve people and really drill down to what the market wants.

With over-saturation of agents and reduced commissions, it’s crucial to find a niche instead of trying to work every single corner of the market. When focusing on community events and involvement, consistency is the key to success. We have to show that we want to be a resource, and that we are genuinely interested in building long-term relationships.


Guest Bio

LeAnne is the team leader at LeAnne & Co at Pearson Smith Realty. For more information go to and to get in touch email [email protected] or call 202.409.7513.


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