Social media can feel like a super long-term strategy when it comes to marketing, and for agents who want business right now, it may not seem like a worthy time investment. Why is this mindset leading agents to miss out on valuable leads and connections? How can we use Instagram to generate leads and get in front of more people? On this episode, Steve Bradley shares why the biggest marketing opportunity right now is on Instagram.


The conversations I’m having, even the casual ones, are going to bring me business later. -Steve Bradley


Three Things We Learned From This Episode


The power of having frequent conversations

Regularly put yourself in the position to have conversations with people. For Steve, that’s frequently visiting his favorite coffee shops in his local area. The goal isn’t just to be top of mind for people looking to buy or sell; it’s being top of mind with everyone.


Why you should respond immediately on social media

Treat social media notifications like internet leads. You have seconds to respond, not minutes. The sooner you reply, the better. If you don’t reply, you have zero chance of building a relationship with that person.


How to avoid getting forgotten on Instagram

Take advantage of the Instagram story feature, rather than just creating posts. You only have a few seconds to be seen as someone scrolls through their timeline, and you’re competing for attention with so many people. With an Instagram story, you’re going to appear at the top of their feed for hours.



With the real estate industry feeling squeezed by platforms like Zillow and Trulia, there’s a huge opportunity right at our fingertips. Our answer to beating these platforms from stealing our leads is social media. A lot of younger consumers don’t even bother with online platforms. They go straight to the agents they want to work with through social media. By crafting the right content, posting and engaging consistently, we can start getting results from the time we spend on Instagram.


Guest Bio

Steve is the Principal Broker/Owner at Bradley Group Realtors, he is also the author of Consider it Sold!: Northern Virginia's Home Selling Survival Guide. To get in touch, call or text him at 703.895.2242 or follow @captainrealty on Instagram.


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