The bar for customer service in real estate has typically been set pretty low. While it gives agents a bad name for some people, it also gives us the opportunity to be better. How can we build our business on an excellent client experience? What is the difference between passive referrals and raving referrals? Why did our guest choose to market to existing clients over cold marketing and outreach? On this episode, agent, speaker, and founder of Client Giant, Jay O’Brien shares on branding himself differently and the value of creating a high-level client experience.


Acquiring a new client is exponentially more expensive than keeping an existing one, but real estate agents’ practices often don’t tie into that at all. -Jay O’Brien


Three Things We Learned From This Episode


Why the most expensive gift isn’t always the most impactful

The closing gifts we give can quickly quantify a human relationship. Just because we get the most expensive gift, if the value of that thing is not relevant and impactful to the client, it won’t be of real sentimental value. Give gifts that are relevant and actually solve a pain point for the buying or selling process.

Cold marketing vs. nurturing existing relationships

Most agents spend a lot of time and money on cold marketing, but the lowest hanging fruit are existing relationships. The marketing is cheaper, they already know us and like us, and we can build an army of people who are happy to refer us.

The variable that matters most for agents

Of all the qualities we sell to people, whether it’s skill set, experience, or knowledge of an area, the most important factor is that they like us. Without this, the expertise and qualifications matter very little or not at all.


As real estate agents, it can be easy to become too preoccupied with reaching for new clients. If we can shift that focus to giving a higher level of service to our existing clients during (and after) the transaction, we would immediately raise the bar of service in our industry. Being organized and on time simply isn’t enough. We need to learn from other industries and give a service that rivals some of the best organizations in the world. This way we’ll really stand out and create raving fans for life. 


Guest Bio

Jay O’Brien is a licensed REALTOR®, Managing Partner of RE/MAX Prestige, speaker and co-founder Client Giant, the World's First Client Experience Agency. He is helping agents and consumers alike rethink their real estate reality. Go to for more information and and email [email protected] to find about joining. To follow Jay on Instagram, go to


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