On Sunday, April 5th TINT was a guest at the TU/e community radio for the second time. TU/e community radio is a radio station for TU/e students and employees. During the Corona outbreak, GEWIS is broadcasting daily from TU/e Atlas and will keep listeners motivated with the greatest hits and best stories of things happening in the student rooms and houses. Today, TINT@TU/e radio is hosted by event organizer Mayke and life coaching intern Laura.

The radio recording has been split up into two episodes. In the first episode out of two, you can listen to the guided meditation by life coach Margit, an explanation about how habits work and how to change them, and app tips that help you create new habits by life coaching intern Laura.


Tide - Sleep. Focus. Meditation. Relax.SlowlyWoebot: Your Self-Care ExpertGrow - Habit TrackingHeadspace


Life coach & author Tony RobbinsAtomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, a book by James Clear

More info about topics discussed in this episode:

Live mindfulness meditation during lunch break