4:05:  The Earth is likened to a spacecraft with all humanity as passengers and the possibility of humanity would be extinct like the dinosaurs and so on. The possibility of transplanting human society to another planet or the Earth's moon. But the problem of living on Mars is almost the same on the moon.


12:50 Everybody in the healthcare business or industry has been focusing so much on the cure of sickness and much less on the source and reason for it. This system is keeping everybody sick, being just a system of suppressing symptoms. 


15:00 Chronic diseases developed because of chronic inflammation. And our gut is the key in this condition. Giving more attention to the microbiome in our gut will be the "game-changer" leading towards a condition where sickness would be an option or a matter of choice—not creating a world where nobody is sick, but rather a world where having a disease is optional or a matter of choice for everyone.


The microbiome is a community of trillions of bacteria in a system like our gut, and that is a lot more numerous than human gene expression.


Finding one's purpose is just like finding something you're willing to die for and then living for it. Or, if you already have everything in life, ask yourself what you wanted to do today, and if you do that, you will then have everything you want. The most inherent happiness comes with something that allows you to feel good about who you are. To him, the best thing is doing things then never expecting anything back in return. 


It's not really about following somebody's habits or rituals. Rather, you may want to follow people who are successful in life, in their thought process and not in their rituals or habits. Because what works for him may not work for other people. It is finding what works for you.


Health is a part of success, and having a mindset of possibilities; that everything can be created; a mindset of abundance, not of scarcity. Never feel that something can't be done or impossible to do because it will only be impossible for you and not for anyone else. Do not be afraid to fail because you only fail when you give up.