Vivian is a well known author in the Kid Literature Community with her 5 books From Here to There: Inventions that Changed the way the World Moves, Making Their Voices Heard: The Inspiring Friendship of Ella Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe, Sweet Dreams, Sarah, Four Otters Toboggan: An Animal Counting Book and Pippa's Passover Plate. What is unique about her story is that she didn't start writing children's books until she was 65 and her first book was published at 70! Since she started writing she has presented at conferences all over the world, gone parasailing, banana boat riding, and is living her dreams. She talks about how it's never too late to start, her process of overcoming her fears and never giving up!

She has a writing contest called #50PreciousWords (submissions this week ONLY March 2nd-6th 11:59PM EST)  in which people from all over the world submit their children's stories with a beginning, middle, and end, that contain only 50 words total. The contest has over 50 awards including reviews and critiques by multiple literary agents. The last winner actually was signed by an agent and became a published author through the contest. So, if you are an aspiring children's book author and want to have the opportunity to get your work in front of people that could catapult your career or just want to meet some incredible people in the KidLit community then check out her contest at:

Social Media: Vivian Kirkfield

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