Welcome to This Is Not About Your Body!

Today I'll be talking about ways to feel confident without "being attractive" and stepping outside of societal beauty ideals. The prospect of beginning an anti-diet, intuitive eating, or body neutrality journey can feel terrifying and even impossible for people in that boat because they know those paths might end up COSTING them some of the beauty/body privilege you have now— and since they’re already distressed about not having enough, the thought of having even less can feel like a death sentence. If you relate to this, you might find yourself worrying about how much worse you would feel about yourself if you gained weight, gave up makeup, or stopped dressing to flatter your body type!

It can feel like beauty is what makes the world go around, and that we’re each personally responsible for looking as good as possible– which is to say: as close to conventional beauty and body ideals as possible– to MAKE people treat us with respect and kindness. So the question I get asked a lot is “Is it even possible to feel confident, safe, powerful, or good about yourself without looking attractive?”

Or, perhaps more to the point: “HOW is it possible that some people who don’t fit conventional beauty/body ideals seem able to still feel confident, safe, or good about themselves?”

Signups are open for my new program Project Ugly! Find out more here: https://www.jessikneeland.com/projectugly

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My book, "Body Neutral: A Revolutionary Guide to Overcoming Body Image Issues" is OUT NOW! Pick up a copy from your favorite retailer today! I've also released a new course which pairs nicely with the book which you can purchase from my site: The Body Neutrality Blueprint https://www.jessikneeland.com/product-page/BodyNeutralityBlueprint

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My e-book is out! Grab a copy of Sustainable Movement here: https://www.jessikneeland.com/product-page/sustainable-movement-a-body-neutral-guide-to-health-fitness

Intro to the 4 Body Image Avatars: https://youtu.be/SsxQ9qO0-a4 Get my full Body Image Avatar Guide here: https://www.jessikneeland.com/product-page/the-avatar-guide

Find more resources here: https://jessikneeland.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessikneeland/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jessikneeland

Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dgrRFaBYO