Justin Stoddart  
So the big question is this. How do those of us in the real estate industry, with crazy amounts of ambition, how do we Think Bigger than the building of our own empires? How do we simultaneously seek success AND significance, income AND impact? My name is Justin Stoddart. And this is the Think Bigger Real Estate Show.

Justin Stoddart  
Think bigger real estate show. I know what you're going through, I hear it all the time, the agents that I work with, I'm just running out of time, I'm running out of time, and I need more leverage, I need more help. Today, I have a solution for you, gentlemen, that has created something for the marketplace to allow you busy agents to have some help. Stay tuned for that. I also want to remind you that inside of the think bigger Real Estate Group on Facebook, we continue the conversation, we allow you to engage in it more so than in the typical podcast, to where you can then deepen the learning inside of you. So be sure and sign up inside of the think bigger Real Estate Group on Facebook. Back to today's guests. His name is Matt Kuchar. He is out of Colorado was a Top Producing agent, one of the top agents in all in all of Colorado for a number of years, realized that there was a problem, founded a company called Showami. I'm really excited to dig into that today. Whatever you leave with, be sure and go to showami.com. There's an opportunity for you today to get a discount on having your first buyers or sorry, showing agent on demand. We're gonna learn more about that. 

Justin Stoddart  
Matt, thank you so much for coming on the show today, my friend. 

Matt Kuchar  
Thanks for having me, Justin. honor and pleasure that.

Justin Stoddart  
Go back to the point at which you were like, somebody's got to solve this problem. Like go back to like, there was, I would imagine when you were like pre pre inception, right pre act of you saying like, Okay, I gotta figure this out. Like there was some pain that you were experiencing in your business. I know you were a top agent, probably spread so thin. Right? Maybe that point in time? 

Matt Kuchar  
Yeah. So actually tried to take a day off. Me and my friend dad decided to go skiing course being in Colorado, it's perfect day, I finally get up to the slopes, and we're about to get on the lift. And I get a call from a past clients like, hey, this home in this neighborhood just came available, we've got to go see it. This is it. It's on the street, we want you know, and I'm like, I'm an hour and a half away. I've just paid 100 bucks to get on this lift. And you know, there's what am I going to do? So I did what any other agent would do, I pick up the phone and started calling and texting agents in my in my office. And the one of the problems that also was it was Friday, the guy worked until four, which meant he couldn't see the home till five o'clock on Friday. And it was in downtown Denver. If you could say traffic, you know, probably not the best time to go. So I'm asking all these agents in Highlands Ranch, which is, you know, 30 minutes, 35 minutes away on a good day to go down there. But I'm calling I'm texting. And you know, after about a half hour, 45 minutes, somebody finally was like, Yeah, I can do it. And then we had to have this awkward conversation. am I paying you? Are we just trading off? Are we sharing the client, you know, and all I wanted, I mean, they were already clients in mind, all I wanted was them to get inside the home, I'd come take a look at it the next morning or whatever I needed to do. But I couldn't yet I just needed them inside the house. So I said, Look, I'll pay you $100 go show the house. They did, we sold the home. 

Matt Kuchar  
And sure enough, I was having a beer with my friend Ed later. And I'm like, there's got to be a better way. And so, you know, you always hear the people like we were at a bar and had a napkin, we literally were at a bar having a beer and add a napkin and we drew this thing out. And it's like Uber for real estate. We're brilliant, you know, and we started celebrating because we thought we'd make millions. 

Justin Stoddart  
Now I want everybody that's listening to this, whether you're listening to the audio afterwards, right? I want you to turn to the person next to you and say I've been there. If you're listening to this live, I want you to like type in the comments be like I've been there, where I love my, you know, my career as a real estate agent. But this point in time, I was so inconvenienced, like I just couldn't do it anymore, right? Just say like I've been there if you put that in the comments, so we know that, like we feel your pain, right. Okay, so So now take us back to the napkin. What exactly did you write on that napkin that really started to transform the way that agents could not only create great income, but great time freedom, right? What is like, what's the use of money if you can't enjoy it, right? What's the use of having the ability to go up skiing? And if you're going to be worried about who's calling and who's going to be calling you back home, right, like your doctor? 

Matt Kuchar  
Yep, absolutely. Well, and I came to realize it, it's something that we do all the time in the real estate business, right. We always need help, whether it's for an inspection, whether it's for coverage when we're not available to show a home. I mean, this is something that's going on all the time. I just sold my house last weekend. I had four calls from real estate agents who are slow who were like I'm out of town, can you show my buyer your home?

Matt Kuchar  
Or is that not? You know, they're asking me who I'm the seller, and I'm the agent to show their buyer the home conflict, maybe, you know, they tell me Oh, they love it, you know, it. This is happening all the time, and especially in today's market, because the buyers are the challenge. And so when I looked at it, I'm like, they're there. This is something that's always going on. Why don't we have an automated way to do this? What Why is this so complicated, and it takes so much work. So we created the fastest, easiest and most reliable way to get help with showings when you need it.

Justin Stoddart  
Fascinating, right? Because I think you're right, if you do have the ability to do everything your business requires. Your business is not meeting its potential. Real Estate Agents are when, when at their highest and best use, right are like an attorney like they're, they're a well paid professional, a consultant and advisor, somebody who gives very important advice. And that very important advice has an impact upon their clients net worth upon, you know, their future, like these are big decisions. And that's why real estate agents have the potential to get paid very well. However, if they're trying to do everything, or if they are doing everything, it tells us that they are not truly stepping into the role of being the well paid advisor that they could be, right. So if you're running into that was like now I got it all covered. It's like you can be doing a lot more in your business, like you could really be doing a lot more. But most agents that listen to this agents that are very followers have to think bigger real estate show, they're thinking bigger, they want to get to that next level, there may be hitting a ceiling, this might be an answer, right for you to do exactly that to have a very simple automated system that takes all the awkwardness out of it. Right. I've had those conversations with agents, you know, before as well matter of where it's like, you know, well, like, Is it like, are we trading? Is it like, how much do you pay? Is it where's the property at? And this? Yeah, this whole uncomfortable conversation, right, that oftentimes, apparentl...