Everyone in business knows that they need to monitor their expenses and it’s often the additions of many small avenues that add up to be draining of your bank account very quickly.

Whilst there are many health and medical business owners that quite sloppy (for use of a better word) with their understanding of their finances, there are actually others at the other end of the spectrum that have become so tight, around their expenses, that it is actually the biggest reason why their business growth is limited.

We all know of the Observer Effect and how focussing on the minor details of everything to the tiniest degree only heightens the response or outcome by 8-12%. Wll in this case, the focussing on tightening the belt so much, actually in fact, is the catalyst to not being able to grow at all.

So whilst the business owner believes they are being careful and “smart” with their expenses, they are in fact, the sole reason why the actually can’t get ahead right now. And this podcast shows what you can do about that to ensure you don’t stagnate your own health and medical business by trying to save those extra few dollars right now.