Being in charge of a team of people can be daunting at the best of times. And if it it’s just you in your health business, you still need to manage yourself and your clients.

Regardless of your exact situation, right now, more than ever, you need to lead.

If this has taught business owners around the world nothing more than how to better lead, step up in crisis and make more proactive movements forward for themselves and their team, then it’s been a very beneficial scenario for business owners to endure.

The challenge has been that everyone is screaming from the rooftops to “lead” and be a “better leader” but what exactly does that mean?

What does it entail to “lead” or be “a better leader” because with the amount of free “expert advice” out there at the moment…we can only expect everyone to be amazing at doing just that… but sadly we don’t see that.

In this podcast, I dive deep with health and fitness coach, as well as multi-location gym and clinic owner, Laura Alvarado, and how she is leading her clients in California and around America to lead more effectively and achieve greater traction with all her clients.

So jump in right now and get some amazing plug and play strategies and examples that you can also implement immediately and reap the benefits of.