Show introduction.
An interrupted summary of this episode's topics, which focus on the way in which our personal and collective histories influence our worldviews. Toward that end, Martin Heidegger's notion of historicality, and selections from Hans-Georg Gadamer's Truth and Method are discussed. Following this is a description of known psychological models of history, and discussion on their influence on how we interpret the moments of our lives. After that is a discussion with Dr. David R. Harrington on understanding mythological perspectives on life, followed by a One-hit wonder utilizing the Greek Titan Mnemosyne's relationship to her progeny to explain the relationship between memory and creation in life.

Being there.
In this segment on Dasein, or the being there, we describe Heidegger's understanding of the historicality of being human.  We then utilize selected quotes from Hans-Georg Gadamer's Truth and Method to describe the various ways in which our social histories in families and communities influence how we may come to understand and reason about our world.

What's happening?
Psychological models of history, with particular focus on mythical models.
This segment begins with a presentation of known psychological models of history: degenerative models of history, progressive models of history, cyclical models of history, chaos models of history, and mythical models of history.  Examples of each model as they apply to the history, practice, and science of psychology are included in this presentation.  Then, the work of Joseph Campbell is utilized to provide a framework for understanding the multiple functions of myth in explaining life's experiences.

Phenomenologizing with a New Hammer.
Understanding myths.
Dr. David R. Harrington returns to discuss with Teh Dŭk!tər various aspects of interpreting and applying mythology, according to a psychological and phenomenological perspective.

One-hit wonders.
Mnemosyne gives birth to the muses.
A song about the relationship between memory and creativity in life is paralleled with a delineation of the children of the Greek Titan's Mnemosyne (memory). Sung by Edmud version 1.0, and derived from Teh Dŭk!tər's lecture notes.

More information on these show segments and previous episodes can be found on the show's website at: