Show introduction.
An interrupted summary of this episode's topics, which focus on The They that influence our minds and bodies. Along the way, psychological phenomena such as the false consensus effect and pluralistic ignorance are explored. A worldwide survey of messages written to non-terrestrial intelligence is then utilized to provide a current example of the manner in which The They and pluralistic ignorance may have influenced the general worldview held by many people in the 21st Century. 

Experience this!
47.193218, -122.296558
Practice phenomenology on the sounds from geographic locations throughout Washington State. An extended explanatory introduction leads this segment, which comes from  47.193218, -122.296558, at Sound Transit's Puyallup Station, in Puyallup Washington.  Go here, and at just the right time, you'll hear the cosmos say the same thing. The cosmos speaks through all things, and in all ways.

Being there.
The They (Das Man).
Being there is the way of being human. In this episode, we present Martin Heidegger's Das Man: The They. We explore the many ways in which these nameless/faceless others are internalized in our minds, bodies, and worldviews.

One-hit wonders.
Individuality and predictability.
A song about the reach and potential influence of psychology in one's life, sung by Edmud version 1.0, and derived from Teh Dŭk!tər's lecture notes.

What's happening?
False consensus, pluralistic ignorance, and the they in each of us.
The phenomena known in social psychology as the false consensus effect and pluralistic ignorance are utilized to further explore the particular ways in which our individual understandings of the thoughts and perspectives of The They may influence us in our daily lives.

Music for our non-corporeal descendants.
Dr. Karen Horney?
Sung by Ana-is version 1.0.  Inspired by Karen Horney’s theories; the zombie is a metaphor for the unconscious (though—for another's use of this metaphor—see the writings of V.S. Ramachandran). Lyrics are derived from Dr. Lower’s previous course lecture notes. 

Being here.
Reflections on being human, by way of a multinational survey on what people might want to say to an extraterrestrial intelligence.
The results of a previously conducted worldwide survey on what people might want to say to an extraterrestrial intelligence are utilized to illustrate a global example of pluralistic ignorance about human need, and what it means to be human.

Advice from our human ancestors.
Narcissus and you.
Sung by G-or-G version 1.0.  Inspired by Freud’s interpretation of the Narcissus myth. Lyrics are derived from Dr. Lower’s previous course lecture notes. 

More information on these show segments and previous episodes can be found on the show's website at: