I am excited to have a fellow relationship builder and healer on the show today... Katherine Baldwin.

At times in life, we may feel we need to heal personal relationships, relationships with parents, children or family members.  New business owners might feel the need to work on building relationships with ideal clients or customers. Often, when we start having open, honest, frank and vulnerable conversations, we realise that the work has to start with healing the first relationship, the one with ourselves.

 In this episode:

>> Katherine shares how she helps people connect with their authentic selves 

>> She reveals her biggest mindset challenges right now

>> Katherine offers a very honest insight into her life and the need to go where the pain or fear is in order to heal.

>> She shares the THREE things that give her the most energy

A bit about Katherine:

Katherine is the author of How to Fall in Love and is also the host of How to Fall in Love retreats and courses here in the UK and abroad. 

Katherine specialises in helping clients to break free from unhealthy and dysfunctional relationship patterns. To build their self-esteem and self-worth, drawing on her expertise as well as her personal experience. 

Katherine has been healing from addictive, compulsive and self-sabotaging relationship patterns and self-harming behaviours including binge eating for 18 years. 

In June 2019 at 48,  after many years of singleness and failed relationships, Katherine finally married her perfect match, her BIG OAK. 

She has a diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy Skills, from London's Westminster Pastoral Foundation, is an Oxford University graduate and a graduate and fellow of the School for Social Entrepreneurs. 

Her relationship journey and expertise have been featured in Psychologies, Red, Good Housekeeping, Easy Living, the Guardian and the Daily Mail and she has appeared on Woman's Hour and Newsnight.

Click here to grab your copy of the book, How to Fall in Love

How to Fall in Love Retreats:

How to Fall in Love Retreat in Dorset in February and May 2020

How to Fall in Love Retreat in Turkey in October 2020

Katherine also offers online group or solo courses

Head over to the events page on Katherine's website for full details

Get in touch with Katherine:





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Free Facebook group: Being Real, Becoming Whole

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