Do you wanna Crush it in 2020? Listen in for the mindset, support and tools you need to succeed.

Time for some BLUE SKY thinking?

I am sharing with you some mindset hacks to help you Crush it in 2020 before it crushes you!

Because being passionate about your job or your business is great — but there are limits.

If you become so wrapped up in your professional identity that setbacks at work affect your self-worth, that's a problem.

If you become so wrapped up in your business that your relationships suffer, that's a problem for you, for your partner and for your kids.

And remember it's not just intimate relationships that can suffer, it can be friends, key business partners and even your customers. Yes, that's right the very people you are trying to serve, oh the irony!!

In this week's episode:

>> I am talking about how to keep a healthy perspective by distinguishing who you are, from what you do.

BONUS I have a challenge for you in this episode too.

Just to make sure you are listening I am offering ONE free coaching call to the lucky observer who can spot the clue and correctly guess the answer...oh! intrigue...yes you'll have to listen in to find out more...