Recorded during the time of Covid-19, lee has been working remotely and learning have to navigate home school and business from home.

Lee grew up in a loving family where he had a fair amount of freedom and autonomy. After he graduated university, he took all of his skills he gained there and became a financial advisor back in 2007.

His timing was pretty impeccable as this coincided with the 2008 economic crisis and he was laid off.

This led him to taking his future into his own hands and started a small business while working for the government. He started getting a lot of certifications to advance himself and his business.

He was struck the inability to walk after being struck with an illness. His body was not operating in a normal way and as a young 29-year-old man, this began a journey of discovery and growth. He went all in on this epic journey. It takes a parasite to infect an oyster in order to make a pearl.

A constant student, Lee went back to school in order to learn more and be able to use this new knowledge to make a massive impact to the clients in his business. Life is not about finding answers but rather about asking questions.

He diligently spent a couple of years tracking everything he was eating and seeing how it affected his body along with tracking his sleep and other functions in order to be able to eliminate all of the medicine he was on.

The mindset also plays a part in health and how the body operates according to Lee. Look at the example of buying a mattress, the average human spends 1/3 of their life in bed and it is common to put little thought into a mattress that takes care of your body.

He works with companies to have their leaders become more engaged in the operations and actually get to know the team and what is happening in their lives.