Amie is an empowerment coach who helps people discover how to move past limiting beliefs to become more empowered. She deals a lot with anxiety and overwhelm both within herself and ultimately into her clients as well.

Being an empath has been an eye opener for her and this allows her to become more expressive and not bottle it up. Moving past the self-limiting stories of the past and into the present is where the truth magic lies.

When her brother passed away a few years ago, it allowed her to become very reflective about her life and where she was going with it. She was accepting her life, not taking care of herself and just out there making money.

After 5 years of marriage and her life, everything looked great from the outside but her inside was a mess and had a massive breakdown on her living room floor. She made the choice to be done with that current life and make a BIG change which she now says was the BEST thing that happened to her.

We tend to look at ourselves and identify what is not perfect based on what the world says. By going internal and focusing on what we have which is good really makes a difference in how we present to the world. Humans are meant to thrive together.

Many people struggle to accept compliments, we tend to pass them off instead of actually appreciate and accept it by saying thank you. Amie discovered that she could trust her intuition.

This developed and got stronger with this over time. Accepting is the biggest gift you can give yourself. I did X,Y & Z…UNTIL NOW when I make a new choice. Amie absolutely loves to the transformations that happen with her clients, often, right before her eyes.

We are kids in adult bodies and we should get more in touch with that inner child.

As a kid, we looked for the 4 A’s: Approval, Affection, Attention, & Appreciation