Sarah and I first met in a mastermind and we recorded this session right in the middle of stay at home orders. Sarah is a mom and recently converted over to being self-employed after leaving what she called her “Proper Job” and became a yoga instructor.

She has always had a proper job and has experienced a number of different industries including male dominated ones. After having her baby, she made the conscious decision to make a change to her outlook on work and what it meant for her.

This occasion really forced her to slow down and she accepted there was more to life than just working. She 1st discovered yoga and convinced herself to believe she had to work really hard at it.

She actually hated the relaxation piece at the end of the session, she actually contemplated walking out at that point of the class. In 2016, she did a 7 day straight stretch of doing yoga and had an emotional breakthrough on Day 5 which started an awakening of her consciousness and started her on a new path. She says there is a reason things happen.

This has created a lot of opportunities for her including connecting with and meeting people whom she may never have had the opportunity to do before.

She was the primary bread winner in her home and she felt tremendous pressure to produce and be successful. She had a long conversation with her husband and they mutually realized everything would be OK and they would be fine.

Sarah believes yoga has become patriarchal and not necessarily in line with what yoga is actually about. She says yoga was about compassion and self-love and not the poses and all of the competitive components found in yoga these days.

She has expanded her consciousness and gotten into the more spiritual side of her life and looking at things like the moon and other what I call healer modalities. She has expanded out to actually taking vacations and relaxing.

This was a HUGE challenge as she had always been a person who was hustling and bustling. You can use the phases of the moon as an opportunity to harness the energy of the moon and create a more holistic life.

Listening to the body is critical and not done by a lot of people. Sarah says in yoga there is a focus on alignment and how the body moves.

She gave an example of how many people sit and stand which is not proper because the knee often moves forward and past the ankle which is not a proper form. But, this does not mean people cannot get into a yoga class because they “feel” they don’t have a lot of flexibility.

Sarah saw a rush and panic in the UK with Yoga Studios and Fitness Centers as they started to close down. She took some time to analyze everything while also balancing being a full time childcare giver. S

he actually decided to go more holistic and doing classes in her home.