Jess Hendrick Jess went through a journey where she discovered there were repetitive patterns kept following her where the same situation kept happening at work and she finally had to look at herself as the common denominator.

She realized she could change and make it better than waiting for someone else to change for her. As a child, she inherited beliefs from a number of different places, and it took her until into her 30’s when she was able to identify it and start working on it.

You Can Save Your Life by Louise Hay Jess grew up as a self-conscious girl especially her appearance. She felt alone in her beliefs until she realized later on she was definitely not alone which is the basis for healing.

All of the struggle and challenge is related to what our purpose is in this life. This awareness has allowed Jess to be able to recognize when she is moving in the wrong direction and get it back on course.

In her work with people on their relationships, she finds self-work and self-love are the foundational pieces to all relationships.

Forgiveness also plays a very large part in healing and building strong relationships.