Kylie currently resides on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland in Australia.

Kylie is a mom of 2 with a very free lifestyle and normally travels a great deal because she can it supports her lifestyle.

Going back, she was married and in an abusive marriage and left and started living the life she leads now. She had just gotten home from Vanuatu which sounds amazing.

She started a marketing company without any formal education or training and really fell into it by her blogging and travel writing which she was doing.

She became pretty prolific and had governments around the world reach out to her to help them get the word out about their travel destinations. She was pretty unique in that she was writing from the perspective of a mom which really made sense to the locations reaching out to her.

The locations she traveled to last year sounds like a location by location recap of the US TV show, Survivor including the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

She is also an avid scuba diver. She is really enjoying being back in Australia and is just relaxing and having fun during the shelter in place orders.

She talks about how the travel writing industry has traditionally been very stagnate as to the demographics of the writers and she is starting to see more diversity including the ages as young as 6 years old and getting their perspectives of the travel.

We talked about cruising and she has never been on one and has some hesitation about doing them primarily because of her feeling of being trapped and not able to go out and explore.

She is considering creating a course for travel writers and plans to focus a little on that now that she is not travelling as much.


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