This episode is different! Unfortunately my recording for this week with my guest ran into difficulties, so I had a think about what I could offer you instead.
I write a weekly newsletter for my paid subscribers on Substack so I thought that I would give you an insight into what I write about.

I have always said that what I am trying to do is 'rehumanise, one poem at a time'. Whilst it's tempting to focus on one key thing such as addiction or trauma or even poetry, I want to help remind us that being human is a whole merry mix of things and so is our experience of being human. Whilst we may have a bunch of experiences which cause us to react or behave in a certain way, such reactions are not 'disorders'. I believe that we need to de-medicalise emotions.

So I have developed a weekly newsletter called 'Permission to feel' for my paid subscribers on Subtack which focuses on one emotion at a time.  I bring in various different psychological insights, poems that I have written and tools that you can use straight away, in my hope to educate, empower and entertain.

I have a bit of fun with a short story in this episode, along with sound effects. It was a lot of fun to do!

Have a listen and find out more on my Substack page. 

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Listener support: I love making The Therapeutic Poet podcast, but it does cost time and money. If you have enjoyed it, been informed by it or found it helpful then I would greatly appreciate your financial support. You can do this by:

Taking a paid subscription on my Substack - a weekly newsletter helping people have 'Permission to feel'. You'll receive tips on how to navigate our human tricky things, recorded poems and other goodies.

Buying my book ‘Stop the world I want to get off’

Or buy me a coffee 🤗.