Lord Lanto, Chohan of the Second Ray, helps you understand Illumination’s Flame, for once you understand the vibration of Illumination, it can be the testing barometer for all things presented to you throughout your life. Reminding you that the Heart is your key to Victory, Lanto instructs that you can open the door to your Heart by allowing the Mind of God to show you the way. Your Threefold Flame knows at once what is right, and when you begin to enter into and trust your Heart, exercising Illumination with the discriminating faculties of the Christ Mind, you can send your thoughts of goodness and creativity to all Life, extending your Heart’s Love and having the Will of God charting your course. Lanto explains that it is Illumination’s Flame that allows you the Peace to seal every aspect of your emotional body in God Control. When your emotions are controlled, when Illumination guides the choices you make, your Heart can then perform its perfect work, extending unconditional Love from your God Presence to all of Life.


Lovers of Life

Harvest Conclave 2004

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence
