There is an intimate connection between your own Heart Flame and the Allness of the Godhead, producing for you a natural kinship with all of God’s Life. The tight circle of individuality that you have mentally formed of your “self” can melt and blend with the great ocean of God’s Life and Presence to accomplish the complete “at-onement” with God that the Ascended Masters experience. First, it is necessary for you to realize that you are truly the Son or Daughter of God, the only begotten of your own God Presence, and when you trigger the action of God, as do the Ascended Masters, the gigantic forces of nature swing into action to produce miracles. The key is completely accepting this Truth of your being. Your Heart Flame, by blending with the I AM THAT I AM at the root of all creation, can allow you to have an all-embracing consciousness, for your Heart Chakra is the central point where all dimensions and worlds come together. Enter your Heart, and you can enter into the Great Sea of Universal Life.

Discourse - 9/23/04

Lovers of Life

Harvest Conclave 2004

Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence