Your own God Presence, Holy Christ Self, and Threefold Flame are living the life of God Consciousness, and it is possible for you to enter into and live that same life here and now. There is so much more for you to become, and it is all there within your own Heart Flame. The Will of God is calling you into greater expression. The most complete reflection of the infinite is the God-Realized Being that an Ascended Master is. The Ascended Masters are truly the Lovers of Life. And each Ascended Master has God Attributes that they would love to share with you. Just give them the call and the open invitation, and they will be right there at the door of your Heart. The question is: Are you, too, ready to go up the Crystal Ray of the Ascension Current and live?

Discourse - 9/23/04

Lovers of Life

Harvest Conclave 2004

Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence