Hello and welcome to the TeachStrong Talks podcast! A place for real conversations about effective well-being for school staff. Whether you’ve been with us since our first episode, or you’re joining us for the first time, we’re so glad you’re taking the time to tune in.

If you’ve connected with us before, you’ll likely know that we are strong believers in the power of food to improve well-being. And so today we’re really excited to be joined by Rohini Bajekal, a nutritionist who provides evidence-based diet and lifestyle advice to a range of clients, as well as being a passionate recipe creator who enjoys making delicious, affordable and nourishing plant-based meals.

In this episode, we talk to Rohini about the power of food and what her research and experience can tell us about the changes that happen when we make plants the stars of our plates.

During the episode, we find out a little more about Rohini’s background, her journey to qualifying as a nutritionist and why she promotes a plant-based diet to her clients, what changes she thinks would occur in staff and students if they shifted their diet to include more plants. And finally ask Rohini to offer a few tips on how, as busy teachers, TAs, mums, dads and carers, we can include more of these amazing ingredients in our meals.

Episode outline:
- Rohini's journey to qualifying as a nutritionist
- Why she promotes a plant-based diet
- The effects she has seen in clients
- How eating more plants would be a positive for school staff and pupils
- Her tips for including more plants in our diets

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Connect with Rohini here:

Connect with Plant Based Health Professionals here:

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