Welcome to the TeachStrong Talks podcast!

In this episode, we’re joined by Fiona Murden. Fiona is an occupational psychologist and award winning author. Her latest book, “Mirror Thinking: Why Role Models Make Us Human” explores how the people around us shape our lives through the power of the brain’s mirror neuron.

Working in schools, we have this incredible responsibility of being a role model for every child that we interact with during the day. And this is what we’re looking forward to talking to Fiona about: just how important are these mirror neurons in shaping young minds? And what implications does this have on how we conduct ourselves in schools?

Episode outline:
- What are mirror neurons and how are they linked to role models?
- The implications of this for schools
- The influence of social media on our well-being
- The 3 Cs to help you thrive in and out of the classroom

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Mirror Thinking: How Role Models Makes Us Human (Amazon) - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mirror-Thinking-Unconscious-Power-Models/dp/1472975804

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