Remi Kalir talks about igniting our imagination in digital learning and pedagogy on episode 178 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
Play is not a synonym for fun.
—Remi Kalir

Our ability to change our minds … is very important.
—Remi Kalir

Just because a research article has been finished and put out there … doesn’t mean the conversation is over.
—Remi Kalir
Resources Mentioned

On Being: Science of Mindlessness and Mindfulness, with Ellen Langer
Remi’s recent keynote about leadership, equity and creativity for Metropolitan State University’s 2017 Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium
Theatre of the Oppressed
Digital Pedagogy Lab
ThinqStudio at the University of Colorado Denver
Episode 75 of the Very Bad Wizards podcast
“Overconfidence is really associated with a failure of imagination. When you cannot imagine an alternative to your belief, you are convinced that your belief is true.” - Daniel Kahneman
Thinking, Fast and Slow* by Daniel Kahneman  
On Being: Why We Contradict Ourselves and Confound Each Other, with Daniel Kahneman
Ignorance: How it Drives Science* by Stuart Firestein
Mosaic Web Browser
Educator Innovator
Marginal Syllabus
Writing Our Civic Futures
Remi’s Research: Educator Learning and Open Web Annotation

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Remi Kalir talks about igniting our imagination in digital learning and pedagogy on episode 178 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Quotes from the episode

Play is not a synonym for fun.

—Remi Kalir

Our ability to change our minds … is very important.

—Remi Kalir

Just because a research article has been finished and put out there … doesn’t mean the conversation is over.

—Remi Kalir

Resources Mentioned

On Being: Science of Mindlessness and Mindfulness, with Ellen Langer
Remi’s recent keynote about leadership, equity and creativity for Metropolitan State University’s 2017 Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium
Theatre of the Oppressed
Digital Pedagogy Lab
ThinqStudio at the University of Colorado Denver
Episode 75 of the Very Bad Wizards podcast
“Overconfidence is really associated with a failure of imagination. When you cannot imagine an alternative to your belief, you are convinced that your belief is true.” – Daniel Kahneman
Thinking, Fast and Slow* by Daniel Kahneman  
On Being: Why We Contradict Ourselves and Confound Each Other, with Daniel Kahneman
Ignorance: How it Drives Science* by Stuart Firestein
Mosaic Web Browser
Educator Innovator
Marginal Syllabus
Writing Our Civic Futures
Remi’s Research: Educator Learning and Open Web Annotation

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Rate/review the show. Please consider rating or leaving a review for the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast on whatever service you use to listen to it on (Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, etc.). It is the best way to help others discover the show.

Give feedback. As always, I welcome suggestions for future topics or guests.

Subscribe. If you have yet to subscribe to the weekly update, you can receive a single email each week with the show notes (including all the links we talk about on the episode), as well as an article on either teaching or productivity.

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