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Are you feeling as if depression is controlling your life and you're losing the battle? Well, I, Tamera Trotter, am here to turn the tables. In this empowering episode of "Win Over Depression", I challenge you to confront your depression head-on, and take back control over your mental health. You'll discover the importance of setting intentions and goals, and learn a powerful exercise on how to speak directly to your depression, stripping it of its power over you. 

As we journey onward, I divulge an intimate reading of an excerpt penned by yours truly in 2011, titled "I Want You to Know This About My Depression". This heartfelt narrative provides an honest portrayal of my life with depression and emphasizes the need for understanding, space, and acceptance from loved ones. Whether you're tucked into bed, feeling lost in the still of the night, or seeking a dash of motivation during an overwhelmingly busy day, remember this, tomorrow holds the promise of a better day. So, join me on this profound journey, as we step up, reclaim our power, and put depression in its place.

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