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A special guest on WIN OVER DEPRESSION- Feledier Thrower shares her story about life after losing her parents unexpectedly. They passed away within three weeks of each other in 2021.  Feledier is known to her family and friends as someone who is outgoing, fun, full of energy and loves to travel.  However, since this profound loss her entire world was changed and she experienced situational depression for the first time in her life.  In this episode, she shares her 'real' experience dealing with her emotions and getting to a space where life was worth living again.  

We may wonder why tragedy turns our lives upside down?

Why does so much pain have to cross our path?

What did we do to deserve such an insurmountable circumstance to bring our life to a halt?

You did not do anything. Life has its own journey and we are often times subjected to its storm. All we can do is weather what comes our way knowing; it too shall pass.

We can never comprehend nor understand why situations occur in lives. Especially, when we seem to be doing everything above board. All we can do is bravely face whatever comes and figure out how to deal with the outcome. It’s seems life gets harder to cope in our latter years and death is a part of our painful circle of life.

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