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You must become relentless: The clinically depressed individual struggles daily to survive. Their mind is the worst enemy they have and they often trapped inside their thoughts. They make assumptions about their interactions, sometimes become paranoid and have difficulty decided what is true. They feel alone in their pain because they are convinced they are a burden to their family and friends. 

They have a couple of friends in whom they may confide, but unless you have experienced the deep-rooted sadness and helplessness no one  can really understand the day to day and often moment to moment struggle of mental health disorders.  For the most part sufferers of mental health conditions conceal the fact they suffer with clinical depression because society can be cruel and accusatory.  The negative stigmas that surround mental illnesses encourage silence and seeking professional help is perceived to be a weakness.

Individuals who suffer from mental health disorders put on their game face every day to appear normal.  They are not faking when they seem fine and go hang out with friends. But, you have no idea how hard it was for them to get dressed and leave the house.  If they appear to be having a good time, this is probably true.  However, when they get home, sadness sets in and they begin to feel alone all over again.  Next, they must build up the courage to wake up and face another day that may be filled with misery.

If you are trying to make sense over the suicide of loved one do not blame yourself for their act.  There may not have been any warning signs so do not beat yourself up.  You can play back your last conversation in your mind but it is not your fault if you missed it. You will never know. They were likely already resolved about their decision to commit suicide. It was all about them and not about you. They were in such pain and sadness beyond belief and somehow they believed death was the only way to end their pain. They may not have thought about how their death would affect you.  Their mind said, end their existence, end the pain. There death is not your fault, this treacherous disease that effects so many lives is the real culprit.

The best help you can give to someone with a mental illness is to check on them, through a phone call, text, email or face to face visit.  Just don’t ignore them. Let them know you care and have thought about how they are doing. You can also encourage them to exercise, get at least fifteen minutes per day of sunshine, listen to upbeat music, keep a journal and set at least two attainable goals per day. Encourage them to seek professional help.

Do Not Give Up On Them

The depressed friend is not asking you to be their therapist. They just need to know you care, are concerned and take this disease seriously. The lonely feelings are locked inside because they do not want to push anyone away. Being rejected drives a stake right through their heart and sets off a series of unhealthy thoughts that deepens their depression even more. Depression is a debilitating disease with ripple effects that  are spread far and wide. If you know someone who is depressed check on them, even if its a simple text message, an email or e-card, but most of all help them feel they are not alone.




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