If we can understand the capacity of others in our life we can improve that relationship exponentially.  This episode sheds light on how expectations of others can go unmet when we think they can deliver what is expected.

10 Ways you can stay built up

#1-Love yourself. You are enough, worthy, significant, valued, and your life above all is the most important one to safeguard and live to it fullest.

#2- You only have one life to live; Give it all you have.

#3-Never give up on your dreams and hopes; dreams fuel ingenuity; ingenuity powers hopes; and hope keeps the momentum going.

#4-Look yourself in the mirror and be proud of what you see.

#5-Never compromise your values for any type of personal gain.

#6-If you can kneel before Almighty God, you can stand before anyone. Know your worth.

#7- Keep moving forward no matter what you believe the forecast.

#8-Always be willing to stand in support of your convictions.

#9- The world owes us nothing… we determine our own destiny

#10-Any circumstance can be solved and resolved

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