Danel Cabrera first encountered dropshipping as a side hustle when he was still a college student. Overtime as his experience and knowledge of dropshipping went up, he realized that he had to take this dropshipping "side hustle" as a legitimate business.

When Danel first got started he used Youtube as his main resource for learning dropshipping but it wasn't until he found a consultant that he real success. There was a lot of missing material from the Youtube videos that he had to learn by experience and the consultant he had previously hired.

One of the gems that he tells all aspiring entrepreneurs going into the dropshipping space is that you have to be resilient. You are going to have to spend money and suffer through bad times because things are not butterflies and rainbows. As a dropshipper, Danel Cabrera explains that one is going to go through some tough situations but you have to overcome them.

If you would like to check out Danel Cabrera, you can find him here:

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