On this Words of Wisdom Wednesday, we hear from the following contributors who describe what Power & Forgiveness mean to them and how've they've been able to find peace in their lives by exercising both:

  Tyla Fowler Brooklyn, NY by way of NM Transformational coach and tantric educator IG: @tylafowler www.tylafowler.com   Whitney McNulty Durham,NC originally from Yonkers, NY Author, educator, dance instructor, freedom coach and founder of #WorshipWithWhit Latest book entitled "ALIVE: A Poetic (Re) Collection of Healing." IG: @WhitMcWrites FB: Facebook.com/WhitMcWrites www.whitneymcnulty.com   Ashley Goba Roosevelt, NY Pediatric Nurse and Professional Student  Loving Wife, Daughter, New Mommy and Friend   Theresa Josma   La'Shay Crayton  NY by way of Oakland CA.  Licensed and practicing Cognitive behavioral therapist  Researcher Scientist, wife and mom.  Book: "Living Well and Living Well Loved" available on media outlets.    Music by: Matthew Thomas IG: @MattMadeTheBeat

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