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There is a very simple equation that you can do all day every day that will help you move forwards in your personal growth.

In the last episode, we talked about Abraham Maslow and his famous quote: “What one can be, one must be”. Today we are adding on what we did yesterday with a very simple mathematical equation for personal growth.

Let’s start with today’s summary:

1. Theory and Action: We will talk about a passage from Abraham Maslow’s book “Motivation and personality”, and the tool to drive us towards growth that will lead us to part 2:

2. Journaling: We will reflect on some elements that drive us forward into growth, towards our best self living at our full potential and elements in our lives that make us stagnate, or go backward!

3. I will guide you through a visualization to get the wisdom of the day to deeply sink in

4. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud.

5. I will then guide you through a meditation, in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day


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