Hi everyone! We are going to be starting this new morning show, coffee with Raph (that's me!) starting Monday! It will be from Monday to Friday at 6Am Eastern. Every morning, we will study a passage from a great personal development or philosophy/psychology book, and we will create exercises from that. Then, we will do some journaling exercises, visualization exercises, empowering affirmations, and of COURSE, we will finish each episode with a guided meditation. The podcast will be filmed and posted on youtube, or you can check it out on all other major podcasting platforms: https://www.raphaelreiter.com/podcast

For all questions, the best place to reach me is on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raphreiter

Listen. The only way to create an extraordinary life, is to create extraordinary days. The way you START these days, i.e your Morning routines, will shape your day. It is so important. I will be there, every morning, to guide you, and be with you. Don't hesitate to take pictures. Grab your journal. Let's do this!


youtube: www.youtube.com/raphaelreiter

reading list: https://www.raphaelreiter.com/books

If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
