Winter is long gone, the warmer weather is more frequent, the days are longer and it is the perfect time of year to dust yourself off and get your body moving. Perhaps you are trying to shed a winter coat, or perhaps you just want to start a fitness campaign, whatever your reasons for moving one thing is for sure, you want to make sure you stay on track!

In today's episode we chat with Dr Gabriel Parker, sports chiropractor, lecturer, clinician, all round legend of a guy. The topic of conversation was how to make sure we successfully enact a fitness campaign at this time of year. As practitioners we often see well meaning individuals in the practice off the back a spark of motivation and enthusiasm and a launch into physical activity without enough awareness of where their body is at and how to step things up appropriately. The problem with this is that initial burst of energy often goes by the wayside and the training schedule and goals derail.

So the purpose of today's episode is to educate the audience on the best way to prepare yourself for a new fitness regime, in order to get the optimum outcome from it. There is lots of great thought provoking information within, we hope you enjoy it.