As we are going through 2020, start thinking about how you can look at your data and the results you bring to the people in your life. Do you want to live a more ambitious, better, and bigger life? You have the power to become a community playmaker who doesn’t just sit around and talk about things. Instead, you get up like a warrior and put things into action. In this week's episode, Patrick Allmond talks about the importance of selling the hole versus selling drill.

Part One of ‘SDN EP86 Don't Sell the Drill, Sell the Hole’

Some people go into a business based on talent or a skill that they have. Whether you're a software developer, or you're someone who's good at accounting, financial planning or financial forecasting, you can start a business because you want to sell more of that thing that you are good at. When you reach a certain maturity level in your business, and you keep talking about tactics, you don't really stand out. You don't convince someone emotionally that they should pick your business over another business. Your business is just the same as everybody else's business. What you have to start doing to sell your business better is flip that mindset and begin selling the hole and not the drill.

“It is crucial to address your client’s pain points.” — Patrick Allmond (09:57-10:06)

As you're selling your products and services to people, you want to convince people that it's in their best interest to invest the right amount of money with you and not in the interest of you just taking their money. Make sure when you're talking to somebody about your products or services, that you're addressing them from an emotional standpoint, that you're addressing their emotional needs and their stress points.

Part Two of ‘SDN EP86 Don't Sell the Drill, Sell the Hole’

Pay attention to people's body language. This is one of the reasons it's so great to sell in person or talk to someone in person before you pitch them something is because you can see how they react. And you can see when you mention certain things, how you have to alter the way you talk to them based on what they say. You can sell over text messaging, Facebook messenger, or even via email, but selling in person and talking to someone about their needs before you try to sell something is the best way to sell something. We can take advantage of today's modern technology, but selling in person is always the best way.

“Avoid ambiguous words. Use words that are quantifiable and definite.” —  Patrick Allmond (15:01-15:07)

When you use the word investment, and when you speak of people investing with you, it gives you a higher perceived value. It also makes people feel better about bringing over a cheque to you or giving you their sixteen digits credit card numbers. Majority of people like specific numbers and timeframes for them to know you have a plan. That's why using ambiguous words does not make people feel confident about working with you and about doing things with you and about investing in your service-based business. 

You have to start using words that are more quantifiable and definite. Quantifiable numbers can make people feel more confident about the results that you're going to give them. As part of your business plan, review your monthly goals, your six-month goals, and your one-year goals. Some people lay out their daily goals, but often looking from a day-to-day perspective doesn't work. There are very few times when that's a good idea. It's possible, but it's not a good idea to look at stuff from a daily perspective.

About Patrick Allmond 

Patrick Allmond is a multi-decade entrepreneur, veteran, pilot, and ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX Contributor. He is also the founder of Focus Digital Marketing Agency and the StopDoingNothing movement. Action is the great thing that separates the average from the great. Decide today which one you want to be. Business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation!