How to Exercise Better Self Talk 

One of the biggest lessons we have to understand is that ‘language matters’. It is not just about the language we use to other people but how we talk to ourselves. 

In this episode, we will share with you some proven and tested techniques on how you can exercise better self-talk. 

Part One of How to Exercise Better Self Talk 

Some of us believe that our internal dialogue is not essential. But it plays a huge role because it somehow forms our vision and how we see things. Just by changing a single word or two can make things better or make things worse. 

Remember, the words you say to yourself can shape your attitude. 

“Stop using words and sentences that indicate ambiguity.” - Patrick Allmond (05:09 - 05:13)

Let’s avoid non-committal words. For example, someone asks you about your goal for the year. You don’t answer them with, “I have no idea.” Instead, you must identify a clear purpose.  

You must commit to a number. Brilliant CEOs and successful people always have a number in their head. Perhaps, say, “I plan to earn $700,000 in 2020.” 

Ask yourself now, “How much do I want to charge for my business?” Around 90% of people, if not more, do not have an idea of how much they need to charge for their products and services. This can make you lose more money. 

Some of us are scared to share the numbers, but we recommend that you put it somewhere that you can continuously monitor it. You can put it on your wall or your desk. 

And what if someone asks you do to something you do not have an idea about? Instead of saying, “I’m not sure,” respond with, “I will find a way to do that.”

It’s time to stop using soft language. 

Part Two of How to Exercise Better Self Talk 

Another thing that can help you with better self-talk is to focus on Plan A. We see a lot of people talking about Plan B, and that makes them lose focus on their original business plan. 

Don’t get us wrong. Plan Bs are OK, but you shouldn’t focus on them. If you talk about your Plan B all the time, it distracts you from doing your original plan.  

You also have to give quantifiable dates when planning. You can use Google calendar as a productivity tool. Or you can maximize a countdown timer app so you can easily monitor how much time you left to complete a task. You have to be conscious of your time. 

And we encourage you to be obsessed. And by obsessing, we mean that you are going deep. You have to keep your eyes on the prize. You do everything to the best of your ability to get that prize. 

Say NO to people who want to talk you down. - Patrick Allmond  (18:26 - 18:29) 

In summary, you need to use the right language. Be committed. Use quantifiable numbers, timeframes, and dates. And accept that there are things that you do not know, but make sure to find ways to learn it. 

About Patrick Allmond

Patrick is a multi-decade entrepreneur, veteran, pilot, and ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX Contributor. He is also the founder of Focus Digital Marketing Agency and the StopDoingNothing movement. Action is the great thing that separates the average from the great. Decide today which one you want to be. Business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation!