How to Raise Smart Kids

Earning a degree is crucial for growth and building a good future. But life can be unpredictable and throw you some curves. The truth is, there are many life lessons that simply can’t be learned in school. As we face the hard knocks of life, we gain wisdom every single time. 

In this week’s episode, you’ll learn about: 

The seven life lessons you can share with your kids for them to grow smart

Part One of ‘How to Raise Smart Kids’

Be a good communicator

Our kids should get good at communicating. You can get them involved in communication programs related to public speaking or something like toastmasters’ program, so they can get over the nervousness of being in front of other people. At some point, you’re going to want to be able to express your ideas without getting embarrassed and self-conscious.

“Protect your dream and nurture it more than anybody else.” — Patrick Allmond (21:54-21:57)

Give them a glimpse of adulthood reality

Second, talk to them about some adult stuff. Teach them not to rely too much on the government, pay their taxes in the future, and encourage them to have multiple streams of income. Tell them to spend their money wisely to avoid any debts and save money in case of any emergency.

Teach them to avoid negative people

Third, don’t be afraid to tell them that some people are going to screw them over which is a normal part of life. If they can learn how to avoid people like that, it will save them from any potential frustration or disappointment.

Part Two of ‘How to Raise Smart Kids’

Find a way to contribute

Fourth, you can teach them not to wander aimlessly and pick a path where everything becomes easier. You always have the choice of where to set the direction of your boat. 

Protect their dreams and missions

Fifth, nobody will work harder on your dream than you. If you run a business and you believe your business has a mission or your business has a goal, you're going to have to protect that and you're going to have to be the one that constantly reminds people of that dream. You have to protect your dream and nurture it more than anybody else. It's also important to know that even when you share it with other people, they either have dreams of their own, and they may not be highly interested in your goals.

“Hang around smart people.” —  Patrick Allmond (22:02-22:03)

Sixth, hang around smart people.  Stop making stupid people famous

Lastly, stop making stupid people famous. Some stupid people are famous because we make them famous. We feed their ego and make them think they’re highly talented by watching their movies or buying their perfume. 

About Patrick Allmond

Patrick Allmond is a multi-decade entrepreneur, veteran, pilot, and ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX Contributor. He is also the founder of Focus Digital Marketing Agency and the StopDoingNothing movement. Action is the great thing that separates the average from the great. Decide today which one you want to be. Business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation!