In this episode, we discuss

DJ Lee’s book Remote: Finding Home In the Bitterroots. How does “place” function as an archive? How is writing also a spiritual experience? What were mental hospitals like in the 40s and 50s? What does it mean to write through shame? How is mental illness in some ways un-boundaried like the wilderness? 

Highlights include:

The process of writing the book through finding her grandmother’s memoir box (2:54)Place as archive (6:36)Writing the memoir alongside exploring grandmother’s memoirs (11:03)Grandmother struggle with mental health and experience in mental hospitals (16:00)Writing through shame (20:23)The wilderness and bipolar disorder as un-boundaried (22:33)What is so beautiful and healing about the wilderness (24:13)What are instructors and universities doing for students with mental health issues (33:06)Gathering up the courage to ask for help (37:02)How we are all connected (38:38)

Resources Mentioned

DJ Lee’s Remote: Finding Home in the Bitterroots (Oregon State University Press, 2020):

About DJ Lee

DJ Lee is Regents Professor of literature and creative writing at Washington State University. Her creative work includes over thirty non-fiction pieces in magazines and anthologies. She has published eight books on literature, history, and the environment, including the collection The Land Speaks (Oxford 2017) and the hybrid memoir Remote: Finding Home in the Bitterroots (Oregon State, 2020). Lee is director of the Selway- Bitterro­­ot Wilderness History Project and a scholar-fellow at the Black Earth Institute.

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