Join us, as we navigate the intricate landscape of maintaining emotional well-being amid distressing news coverage.

In this conversation, we explore practical strategies, both structural and personal, to effectively manage our news intake. Setting boundaries and controlling information flow take center stage as we discuss the importance of cultivating awareness of biases and actively seeking diverse perspectives for a more nuanced understanding. Together, we delve into depersonalizing ideas, recognizing tribalism, and finding that delicate equilibrium between flexibility and upholding our values.


00:00 Maintaining Emotional Well-being Amidst Horrible News Coverage

02:00 Structural and Personal Strategies for Managing News Intake

03:35 Awareness of Biases in News Consumption

04:04 Setting Boundaries and Controlling Information Intake

05:26 Reflecting on Biases and Seeking Different Perspectives

06:22 De-intellectualizing and Re-centering Emotionally

07:39 The Serenity Prayer and Taking Control of Personal Actions

08:37 Motivation for Reading the News and Reinforcing Biases

10:39 Reading the News for Learning and Intellectual Curiosity

13:01 The Importance of Knowing What's Happening in the World

17:26 Depersonalizing Ideas and Recognizing Tribalism

19:23 Seeking Different Perspectives for Emotional and Intellectual Health

21:14 Balancing Flexibility and Holding onto Values or Ethical Frameworks

22:13 Not Overly Attaching to Perspectives and Depersonalizing

24:02 Recognizing the Gap Between Ideals and Reality

26:03 The Complexity of Managing Personal Emotions in Conflict Zones

27:21 Acknowledging the Difficulty of Finding Solutions in Conflict Zones

28:20 Managing Mental Health in Relation to News Consumption

29:16 Recognizing News Consumption as a Form of Compulsive Behavior

30:43 Finding Role Models and Role-Modeling Effective Solutions

34:49 Regulating Emotions and Redirecting Attention for a Healthy Relationship with News

36:11 Viewing News Consumption as a Form of Addiction and Substance Abuse

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