Spiritual Waimai 属灵外卖: Take-Out When You Can't Get Out artwork

Spiritual Waimai 属灵外卖: Take-Out When You Can't Get Out

610 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 6 ratings

树龄外卖 Shǔlíng wàimài means "Spiritual Take-Out". Wàimài is what we call the guys on motorbikes delivering restaurant take-out orders across the city. As I sat in my apartment unable to go out during those first few days of the coronavirus, looking out the windows, I could see these unsung heroes delivering food to the masses, keeping us all alive. As I thought about how we also couldn't get out to attend our normal fellowships to be spiritually fed, we also needed someone to deliver a different kind of wàimài... here you go, your Spiritual Wàimài has arrived!

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His death means victory 祂的死亡意味着得胜

April 10, 2020 13:00 - 22 minutes - 15.6 MB

When Jesus died on the cross, it looked like a terrible ending to His amazing life. But it was no ending at all, it was a beginning that would bring victory to the world.  耶稣死在十字架上,祂非凡的一生似乎以悲惨告终。但那根本不是结束,而是引领这个世界走向胜利的开端。

Remembering Jesus: Bread, Wine, Love and Surrender 纪念耶稣:饼,杯,爱与顺服

April 09, 2020 15:00 - 20 minutes - 14.3 MB

The night before Jesus was betrayed and arrested, He demonstrated His mission, His love, and His surrender to the Father’s will in a way that we will never forget.  在主耶稣被背叛与被抓的前一夜,他展现出让我们无法忘怀的使命、爱、和对天父旨意的顺服。

Remembering Jesus: Bread, Wine, Love and Surrender 纪念耶稣:饼,杯,爱与顺服

April 09, 2020 15:00 - 20 minutes - 14.3 MB

The night before Jesus was betrayed and arrested, He demonstrated His mission, His love, and His surrender to the Father’s will in a way that we will never forget.  在主耶稣被背叛与被抓的前一夜,他展现出让我们无法忘怀的使命、爱、和对天父旨意的顺服。

God’s Rescue Mission – Passover 神的拯救大计-逾越节

April 08, 2020 12:00 - 20 minutes - 14 MB

The Passover holiday is celebrated by Jews around the world to remember God’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt. As Christians, we can also remember how Jesus Christ rescued us from sin and death extending forgiveness and new life to us through His work on the cross.  世界各地的犹太人都要庆祝逾越节,以纪念神带领他们脱离埃及的奴役之苦。作为基督徒,我们也会记得耶稣基督是如何藉着祂在十字架上所做的工,来拯救我们脱离罪和死亡,赐给我们饶恕和新生。

Genesis Chapter 3: The First Temptation, The First Sin 创世记第3章:第一次试探,第一次犯罪

April 07, 2020 17:00 - 30 minutes - 20.8 MB

In this world we are surrounded by temptations to sin. How can you strategically resist temptations that may come your way?  在这世上,我们被罪的试探所包围。你有什么方法能有策略地抵制诱惑呢?

Genesis Chapter 3: The First Consequence, The First Death, The First Mercy 第一个后果,第一次死亡和第一次的怜悯

April 07, 2020 17:00 - 30 minutes - 20.8 MB

As soon as they sinned, Adam and Eve felt guilt, shame and hid from God. In His mercy, God found them and covered their sin. Today we can also be free from our guilt and shame through the forgiveness of Jesus.

The best of times 最美好的时光

April 06, 2020 15:00 - 23 minutes - 15.9 MB

When you look back on this time of the coronavirus, what will you remember? Your fear, anxiety, boredom and complaining? Or will you remember the way you grew personally, served others, deepened your dependence on God?  回望这段新冠疫情,你会想到什么?恐惧、焦虑、厌倦、抱怨?还是你的个人成长、服侍别人为人服务、更加信靠神?

God, Save Us! 神啊,拯救我们!

April 05, 2020 15:00 - 14 minutes - 10.3 MB

When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time on a donkey, the whole city joined the parade with cheering and praises, joyfully asking Him to save them. Today, in our great need, we can also joyfully call out to our God, “Hosanna! Save us!” 耶稣最后一次骑着驴驹进入耶路撒冷城,举城列队欢呼赞美祂,欢喜地求祂拯救他们。在今日的危难中,我们一样可以满心欢喜地向我们的神呼求:“和散那!拯救我们!”

Where is the meaning in life? 生命的意义何处寻?

April 04, 2020 15:00 - 12 minutes - 8.92 MB

Since ancient times, people have been asking, “What is the meaning of life?” What do you think? What is the purpose of it all?   自古以来,人们就在求问“生命的意义是什么?”你如何看待?生命的目的到底为何?

Genesis Chapter 2: The First Work and First Marriage 创世记第2章:第一份工作和第一段婚姻

April 03, 2020 13:00 - 32 minutes - 22.4 MB

Genesis Chapter 2: The First Work and First Marriage  创世记第2章:第一份工作和第一段婚姻   The creation of the world was so magnificent, one telling of the story is not enough. In Genesis chapter 2 we see the story of the world from a different angle.   God has placed a great potential inside of you to grow, be creative, have companionship and be a part of God’s specific work for you in a world that needs what you have to offer. 创世的工作如此宏伟,只用一个章节来介绍是远远不够的,因此第二章以另一个角度向我们呈现了这个新造的世界。

Genesis Chapter 2: The First Work and First Marriage 创世记第2章:第一份工作和第一段婚姻

April 03, 2020 13:00 - 32 minutes - 22.4 MB

Genesis Chapter 2: The First Work and First Marriage  创世记第2章:第一份工作和第一段婚姻   The creation of the world was so magnificent, one telling of the story is not enough. In Genesis chapter 2 we see the story of the world from a different angle.   God has placed a great potential inside of you to grow, be creative, have companionship and be a part of God’s specific work for you in a world that needs what you have to offer. 创世的工作如此宏伟,只用一个章节来介绍是远远不够的,因此第二章以另一个角度向我们呈现了这个新造的世界。

When Jesus finds a lost soul, there is a party in heaven 一个罪人悔改,在天上也要为他欢喜

April 02, 2020 15:00 - 17 minutes - 12.2 MB

Jesus told a story about a lost sheep and an amazing shepherd who went on an epic search to find that sheep. If you were lost, do you think Jesus would come looking for you?  耶稣讲述了一个故事,是关于一只丢失的羊和一个好牧人,他寻遍全地只为找回那只丢失的羊。如果你就是那只丢失的羊,你认为耶稣会来寻找你吗?

Preparing for your big moment 时间已到,你预备好服侍了吗?

April 01, 2020 13:00 - 20 minutes - 14.1 MB

You have been created for a reason, there is a plan and specific calling on your life. In the book of Genesis we read how in humility and service Joseph prepared for 20 years to save the world. What are you preparing to do?  你的受造不是徒然的,在你的生命中有一个具体的旨意和呼召。在《创世纪》中,我们读到约瑟在谦卑和服侍中预备了20年来拯救世界,你在为什么事情预备呢?

Have you met with God today? 今天你遇见神了吗?

March 31, 2020 15:00 - 15 minutes - 11 MB

When have you experienced the presence of God? In the big moments of worshiping with other Christians? Or in the quiet moments of meeting God one-on-one? How have you experienced God’s presence during the coronavirus?  你曾经历到神的同在吗?是跟其他信徒同堂敬拜时?抑或是独自安静亲近神的时候?在新冠疫情期间,你如何经历到神的同在?

New life in unlikely places 绝地逢生

March 30, 2020 14:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

Have you ever experienced the death of a hope or vision? Is the coronavirus causing the death of some of your plans and dreams? Jesus can bring life to a dead hope, dream or life – He is the resurrection and the life!  你曾经历过希望或意象的幻灭吗?新冠疫情是否令你梦想破灭、计划搁浅?耶稣有能力使幻灭的希望、破碎的梦想和限于绝境的生活起死回生——祂是复活和生命!

Live Your Real Life Today 活出真实生命

March 29, 2020 14:00 - 15 minutes - 10.5 MB

The coronavirus has taken away much of our normal routines. Without your busy work, church and social life, who are you?  新冠疫情打乱了我们的常规生活。抛开忙碌的工作、教会生活和社交生活,你又是谁呢?

Healing family relationships through forgiveness and prayer 透过饶恕和祷告来医治家庭关系

March 28, 2020 13:00 - 11 minutes - 7.84 MB

Thanks to the coronavirus, families have had more time together than ever before. For some this is a delightful moment of enjoying one another. For others who may have difficult family relationships, this can be a hard time. How can you develop healthier relationships with your family members during this coronavirus period?  新冠肺炎使得每个家庭能有比以往更多的时间相聚在一起。对于一些人来说这是一个享受彼此的快乐时光。可对于另一些关系紧张的家庭,这会是一段艰难的日子。在这段新冠肺炎时期,你要如何与家庭成员建立更加健康和谐的关系呢?

Genesis Chapter 1: The First Creative Act: Light 创世记第1章:第一个创造:光

March 27, 2020 17:00 - 24 minutes - 16.9 MB

Article #1 in the series:  You Are God’s Masterpiece: The Genesis Notes.  你是神的工作: 《创世记手记》系列第一篇 God has created you. He has brought life and light to you. He has blessed you and He wants you to join Him in His work today!  神造了你,祂为你带来生命和光,祂也赐福予你,并且希望你现在加入与衪同工!

Are You Content? 你知足吗?

March 26, 2020 14:00 - 15 minutes - 10.4 MB

With all of the restrictions that have been put on our lives thanks to the coronavirus, we can easily become frustrated, agitated, disappointed or discontent. Is there a secret to contentment?  新冠肺炎给生活带来诸多限制,大家容易变得沮丧、烦躁、失望和不满。有什么秘诀能让人知足常乐吗?  

In a mash-up of sorrow and sunshine, does God have a plan? 悲喜交融中,神有怎样的意念?

March 25, 2020 11:00 - 15 minutes - 11 MB

Many of us know the famous verse Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” But do you know the back-story to this famous verse? It is a story of sorrow, longing for a hope and future.  很多人都知道耶利米书29:11这节金句。耶和华说:我知道我向你们所怀的意念,是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念,要叫你们末后有指望。可你知道这节经文所述的背景故事吗?这是一个令人忧伤却对希望和未来充满向往的故事。

Feeling knocked down? Rise up! 被击倒了吗?重新站起来!

March 24, 2020 11:00 - 14 minutes - 9.72 MB

If you are knocked down today, rise up in the truth of who you are and what you are called to do 如果今天你被打垮了,靠着真理——认清你是谁,了解被召的使命——站起来! Sometimes there are things in life that just knock us down. A lost job, painful loss of relationship, failure at school, disconnection in the family, fears of the future or a life disrupted due to the coronavirus. When we are knocked down, we can get up again by reminding ourselves who we are and what we were created to do.  有时候,生活中的一些事情会把我们击垮——失业、友谊破裂的痛彻心扉、...

In a country of 1.4 billion people, God knows you 在拥有14亿人口的国家,神认识你

March 23, 2020 11:00 - 15 minutes - 10.5 MB

Have you ever wondered how God can keep up with all of the personal needs of every person on the planet? With so many large-scale problems in the world, does God really care about your daily life? Yes He does! In a crowd of 1.4 billion, His loving eye is on you!  你是否曾经想过,神如何能看顾地球上每个人的需求? 世上有那么多举足轻重的大事,神真的关心你的日常生活吗? 是的,祂肯定关心!  在14亿人之中,祂慈爱的眼睛在注视着你!

Hang in There, Hope is on the Way 坚持住,希望即将到来

March 22, 2020 13:00 - 21 minutes - 15.1 MB

Many of us are facing trials right now due to the effects of the coronavirus. How will you respond to the trials in your life? Will you give up? Will you get angry? Or will you persevere?  受新冠病毒的影响,我们很多人目前都面临着试炼。你会怎样回应生活中的试炼呢?你是会放弃呢?会愤怒呢?还是会忍耐呢?

Does God Speak to You? 你今天和上帝对话了吗?

March 21, 2020 14:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

The Bible is an amazing book of love and truth. When was the last time you opened your Bible to hear God’s powerful words to you?  圣经很奇妙,充满爱和真理。你最近一次打开圣经、聆听神大能的话语是什么时候?

When our world is rocked with change, one thing remains the same 任世界激荡变化,我神永不变

March 20, 2020 12:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

So many aspects of my life and our world have changed in the past weeks due to COVID-19. It almost makes my head spin. In this time of unsettling change, we can depend on our God who is constant, the same yesterday, today and forever.  过去几周,新冠疫情改变了世界,也大大改变了我的生活,让人有些头晕目眩。在这不安多变的时期,我们可以依靠那位昔在、今在、永在而不变的神。

Fear and panic or faith and courage? What will you choose? 害怕和恐慌或信心与勇气,你如何选择?

March 19, 2020 17:00 - 14 minutes - 10.1 MB

There are messages of fear and panic being sent out across the world as the coronavirus travels the globe. As God’s people, will we believe the reports of fear or will we stand in faith that God can protect us?  新冠病毒在全世界范围内蔓延,害怕和恐慌的信息到处散播。作为神的子民,我们是相信那些让人恐惧的信息,还是坚信上帝会保护我们?

Waiting for something? 等候神

March 19, 2020 04:00 - 16 minutes - 11.2 MB

Let’s admit it, none of us like to wait for things. But what if God has a purpose in your time of waiting?  坦白说,没人喜欢等候。假如神有意让你等候呢?

Waiting for something? 等候神

March 19, 2020 04:00 - 16 minutes - 11.2 MB

Let’s admit it, none of us like to wait for things. But what if God has a purpose in your time of waiting?  坦白说,没人喜欢等候。假如神有意让你等候呢?

When Loneliness Creeps In 当孤单袭来

March 18, 2020 12:00 - 19 minutes - 13.2 MB

We are now several weeks into the coronavirus, several weeks of being separated from our daily lives and the people that fill our lives with color. How can we handle the loneliness that we may be feeling? 新冠肺炎爆发已经几周了。这几周日常生活中断,也不能跟使生活有滋有味的亲朋好友们交往,我们或许会感觉孤单,那么如何处理孤单的情绪呢?

Following for Faith

March 17, 2020 16:00 - 9 minutes - 6.64 MB

The coronavirus is giving us a unique opportunity to put our faith in action. Do we really believe that Jesus can meet all of our needs in this hard time? 

To Those in Need... Come

March 17, 2020 10:00 - 11 minutes - 7.82 MB

Each day we are seeing the number of coronavirus cases grow. More medical supplies are needed. People’s needs continue to increase. We are inspired by the doctors and nurses caring for the sick around the clock. We are inspired by their compassion and serving.  There was a time in the Bible where thousands of people came to Jesus in need of healing. When He saw them He had compassion on them and served them. Let’s read the story.

Lifting Our Hearts in Praise 赞美声中心飞扬

March 16, 2020 14:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

When we focus our attention on the difficult things in our lives, our hearts can become heavy. Let’s direct our focus to our great God and may our hearts become glad!  过于关注生活中的困难,会令我们会心情沉重。转向注目神,让心欢快起来!

Coming to the Secret Place 进入隐秘之处

March 15, 2020 12:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

We all know that as Christians it is important to pray. But sometimes we have no idea where to start! Jesus has some great things to say about prayer and the Bible is absolutely full of powerful prayers that you can use as your own.  我们都知道作为基督徒祷告很重要,但有时候我们却不知道从哪里开始。耶稣有许多关于祷告的伟大教导,圣经也绝对是充满了强有力的祷告,可以给你我作为参照。

Where is the power in prayer? 祷告的大能在哪里?

March 15, 2020 11:00 - 17 minutes - 12.2 MB

Sometimes our prayers can feel flat, lifeless and automatic. Other times they are a way to express our heart to God but we really aren’t sure if He will answer. Where is the power of prayer people talk about?  有的时候,我们的祷告会让人觉得平淡、没有生气而且毫无意义。 也有时候,这些祷告却是我们向神顷心吐意的一种方式,但我们真的不确定衪是否会回应我们的祷告。 人们所说的那种祷告的大能到底在哪里?

How to Face a Time of Testing With a Win 面对试炼,战胜试炼

March 14, 2020 13:00 - 14 minutes - 10.1 MB

Like a ship tossed on the waves of a stormy sea, this coronavirus is rocking the entire world. What anchors can we throw to bring peace, growth and trust in this uncertain time?  犹如在波涛汹涌的大海中颠簸的一艘船,整个世界也被新冠肺炎摇撼。在这充满未知的时期,抛什么锚可以带来平安、信任和成长呢?

How to Face a Time of Testing With a Win 面对试炼,战胜试炼

March 14, 2020 13:00 - 14 minutes - 10.1 MB

Like a ship tossed on the waves of a stormy sea, this coronavirus is rocking the entire world. What anchors can we throw to bring peace, growth and trust in this uncertain time?  犹如在波涛汹涌的大海中颠簸的一艘船,整个世界也被新冠肺炎摇撼。在这充满未知的时期,抛什么锚可以带来平安、信任和成长呢?

The Rare Gift of Time 时间的馈赠

March 13, 2020 15:00 - 14 minutes - 9.96 MB

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have the rare gift of time. How will we use it to draw close to God?  在新冠肺炎流行期间,我们拥有了一份难得的礼物——时间。我们该如何利用它更好地亲近神呢?

Meeting God in a Mess

March 12, 2020 14:00 - 12 minutes - 8.84 MB

Are you able to trust God with the daily struggles of the coronavirus epidemic? Or are you trying to work things out on your own? If you love God, are you also willing to trust Him with the difficulties you are facing today?   面对新冠肺炎带来的种种挣扎 ,你能够信靠神吗?还是你在努力自己解决问题?如果你爱神,你愿意在你今天所面临的困难中信靠祂吗?

Compassion for the Contagious 关爱

March 11, 2020 15:00 - 14 minutes - 9.82 MB

When you hear that there is a neighbor in quarantine, isolation or taken to the hospital, what is your first thought? Fear for yourself or compassion for your neighbor?  如果听说有邻居需要隔离检验、居家隔离或者去住院,你的第一个想法是什么?为自己担心还是同情邻居?

Following for Faith

March 10, 2020 12:00 - 9 minutes - 6.64 MB

COVID-19is giving us a unique opportunity to put our faith in action. Do we really believe that Jesus can meet all of our needs in this hard time?

A Rainbow In a Storm 风雨中的彩虹

March 09, 2020 16:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

The coronavirus is affecting all of us in different ways, and it has not been an easy time. We don’t know how long this will last, but we can trust that God is in control and that He will show mercy to us and to China through this storm.  新冠肺炎方方面面影响我们的生活,这段时期可谓艰难。 我们不知道这种情况还会持续多久,但是我们相信,神掌控一切,在这场风暴中衪必向我们和中国施怜悯。

Run to the Name of the Lord 奔向耶和华的名

March 06, 2020 12:00 - 15 minutes - 10.6 MB

Daily we face dangers and potential attacks. Sickness, broken relationships, emotional pain, financial loss, insecurity, despair and more. Where can we run to be protected from these enemies that seem to be chasing us down?  我们每天都面临着危险和潜在的攻击。疾病、破裂的关系、情感上的痛苦、经济上的损失、缺乏安全感、绝望等等。我们可以逃到哪里去躲避那些追捕我们的敌人呢?

Love in A Besieged City 爱在“围城"

March 02, 2020 04:00 - 13 minutes - 9.66 MB

Words like Isolation, quarantine, lockdown and confinement have become a part of our daily conversation these days in China. We know complying with these measures is good for our physical health. But how about our emotional health?  Here is the story of a friend of mine in 14 day quarantine. What would you do if you were in his situation? 

Thankful Vibes 心存感恩

March 02, 2020 03:00 - 11 minutes - 8.23 MB

Even in a hard time such as the coronavirus, we can find things to be thankful for and when we are thankful, it cheers us up. So time to cheer up! What are you thankful for today?    即使正值新型冠状病毒肺炎爆发的困难时期,我们仍然可以有值得感恩的事情。心怀感恩之时,会令我们振奋起来。是时候振奋起来了!今天你有什么想要感恩的呢?

What Will Happen Tomorrow? 明天会如何?

March 02, 2020 03:00 - 14 minutes - 9.93 MB

The coronavirus has disrupted almost every aspect of our daily lives. How are we supposed to make plans for our future when we have no idea how this is all going to turn out? 新冠肺炎扰乱了我们日常生活的方方面面。不知道事情会如何发展,我们怎么为未来制定计划呢?

No Place I’d Rather Be 我宁愿留在这里

March 02, 2020 03:00 - 12 minutes - 8.63 MB

When we know God and trust His will for our lives, we can go anywhere with Him, including straight into a nation-wide virus outbreak.  在生命中,认识并信靠神的旨意,我们可以跟他到任何地方,包括直面这场全国范围内的新冠肺炎。

Lifted from the Waves 在风浪中重拾信心

March 01, 2020 13:00 - 14 minutes - 10.3 MB

In a time of crisis it can be hard to recognize Jesus. But when we see Jesus clearly and know He truly is with us, does our faith grow? Or do our hard circumstances eclipse His presence resulting in fear sinking us?  在危机时刻看到耶稣可能非常困难。但当我们清楚地看见耶稣并且知道祂确实与我们同在时,我们的信心会增长吗?还是艰难的处境遮挡了祂的同在使我们因为恐惧而信心软弱?

10 Acts of Mercy

March 01, 2020 12:00 - 18 minutes - 12.7 MB

The entire country of China is trying to stay strong during the coronavirus, but what happens when you begin to feel weak?  Who can you lean on in your time of need?  简介:举国上下都在努力坚强不息。可是, 当你感到软弱时该怎么办?在你需要帮助的时候,又可以依靠谁呢?

10 Acts of Mercy

March 01, 2020 12:00 - 18 minutes - 12.7 MB

The entire country of China is trying to stay strong during the coronavirus, but what happens when you begin to feel weak?  Who can you lean on in your time of need?  简介:举国上下都在努力坚强不息。可是, 当你感到软弱时该怎么办?在你需要帮助的时候,又可以依靠谁呢?

Determined Faith in Coronavirus

March 01, 2020 11:00 - 12 minutes - 8.31 MB

China is determined to fight the coronavirus. The city of Wuhan has just completed the construction of a 1000 bed hospital in an astonishingly fast 10 days. Cities are closing transportation and families are staying home. The whole nation is making a huge effort to stop the spread of the virus and heal the sick. Now is the time for the family of God to also rise up and make a massive effort to bring China before the great healer: Jesus Christ.