Why do you want to recover from disordered eating?
For those of us with kids, we worry. We don't want our kids to:
😕 be in a constant battle with their body,
😔 chronically diet for the rest of their life,
😣 have anxiety around food,
😢 exercise compulsively,
😟 use food to cope with life.
If you've grown up with diet culture influences or dealing with weight stigma, you know how it can stay with you into your adult years. 

Many of my clients have kids and want to change the story for them. We either don't want our kids to live their lives trapped in disordered eating and body hatred OR we realize that our own disorder is taking away precious time with our children ... or BOTH.

That's what I'm talking about in this latest episode of Speaking of Hungry!! Listen and let me know your thoughts. DM me: @AlisonBarkmanRD

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Need more resources to help with chronic dieting and disordered eating? 

Grab my free workbook: 5 Steps to Ditch Diets!!



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Would you like to work with me 1:1? You can schedule a complimentary 20-minute Zoom with me to let me know what you are struggling with and determine if I am a good fit for you!

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Consider joining my FREE Intuitive Eating & Body Compassion Facebook community!!!