This week I'm replaying an amazing discussion I had one year ago with registered dietitian Glenys Oyston.  She lost weight, kept it off for years, and was considered a true success story. What people didn't realize is she didn't feel successful at all but instead was a full-time food and body obsession. Details on the episode are below. I'll be back next week with a new episode!!! 

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I am so excited to bring you this latest episode of Speaking of Hungry! I’ve been listening to the Dietitians Unplugged podcast with Glenys Oyston and Aaron Flores for quite some time now. Recently I was reading Christy Harrison’s Anti-Diet book and Glenys popped up. Then I was listening to the Pursuing Private Practice podcast and Glenys was the guest.

I am beyond thrilled that Glenys, a Los Angeles-based anti-diet dietitian, joined me to chat on Speaking of Hungry. I know you’re going to like this one! Glenys joins me and talks about her relentless pursuit of weight loss, how losing weight was never enough, and that keeping weight off for several years meant taking obsessive measures.  We talk about:

Her dieting history starting in her early 20’s that led her to sign up for the National Weight Control Registry.

How Glenys was a weight-loss “unicorn” who kept the weight off for over five years but this wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies. 

She explains the obsessive measures required to keep her weight off. 

How her weight loss journey led her to pursue becoming a registered dietitian. 

How her reaction to stressful times in her life was to tackle her weight and try to shrink her body. 

When her weight loss pursuit took a “dark turn” and persisted despite the struggle to keep losing. 

Her work with clients and Health at Every Size (HAES) program for diabetics currently in the works with Rebecca Scritchfield.

Take your mind off of all that’s going on in the world right now. While most of us are in quarantine, we must be mindful that we still have needs and we still have our recovery to work on. We may not be able to give it 100% at this time but we have to try to give it something!

Mentioned in this episode:

Glenys’ website

HAES Care for Diabetes Concerns

Glenys on Facebook

Dietitians Unplugged podcast

Traci Mann’s Secrets from the Eating Lab

Kate Harding’s The Fantasy of Being Thin

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Need more resources to help with the restrict-binge cycle? 

Grab my free workbook: 5 Steps to Ditch Diets!!

What will you get in this guide? This is a sample of work I do with my private, 1:1 clients. I’ll take you through:

#1 - examining your personal history with dieting

#2 - reflecting on how diets interfered with your life

#3 - how to slowly get rid of dieting tools you may still use.

#4 - identifying hidden forms of dieting you may still engage in but don’t realize you are and how it interferes with your work to become more intuitive. 

#5 - a worksheet on how to stop the self-critical talk. 



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Curious about working with me? You can schedule a complimentary 20-minute Zoom with me to let me know what you are struggling with and determine if my program is a good fit for you!

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Consider joining my FREE Intuitive Eating & Body Compassion Facebook community!!!