Setting a new year’s goal, resolution or an intention can get complicated. Our mind wants to figure it all out, work backwards to make our goal happen.


In today’s meditation, you just need to ask your heart ONE question to gain crystal clear, potent clarity.


💫 What do I want? 💫


Resist the need to ask Why, When or How questions right now.

These tend to be answered from our mind to try to figure out a solution or plan.


Just ask:

What do I want most?


How do I want to feel?


Let yourself get quiet and listen to the whisper of your heart.


Listen for the potent answer.

This is your soul speaking your Truth.


All will unfold beautifully.


Share with me what you want and how you want to feel.


I love hearing from you!



Want to dive in deeper? 

Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year. 

And join me!!! 👇🏼

💫 virtually on JAN 7th for SATYA SOUL SPEAK workshop where we’ll move + envision + receive all that you are. 

 🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation (price increases $250 at end of month)

❤️SACRED SELF LOVE workshop JAN 27th @ 4-6pm (Maple Valley in person) 

 🎁 Need more calm?